While New Year’s Eve tries to lay claim to new beginnings, the truth is no holiday can hold a candle to the redemptive nature of Easter. Whether you observe it for religious reasons or simply feel inspired by this spring holiday and the renewal it heralds, Easter symbolizes hope. In honor of this poignant holiday, we suggest you spread the hope.
Here are 15 inspiring blessings and memes to help you do just that.
It’s a day when the possibility of what lies ahead truly does feel greater than anything we’re leaving behind. It reminds us that we’re deeply loved, and there’s power in that love. And it shows us the beauty of rebirth — encouraging us to start over in a healthier space mentally, emotionally, and even physically.
MORE: 13 funny memes to share on Easter
A stirring symbol
This holiday has a special way of making you feel as though your future could change for the better at any minute. Try to hold onto that as long as you can.
Air in our lungs, sun on our skin, love in our hearts — we’ve all got a lot to be grateful for this year. Easter serves as a poignant reminder of that.
He is risen, y’all
And how blessed are we that He has, and that He died for us in the first place? Jesus is the great redeemer of promises.
Be bold
Sometimes you just have to go for it, right? If ever there was a time to put all your eggs in one basket and be bold in your conviction, Easter is that time.
A cleansing rain
You can’t have rainbows without a little rain. This Robert H. Schuller post puts any trials in perspective, just in time for spring.
Hope springs eternal
It’s impossible to take in the beauty and rebirth of spring and not know there is a great power at hand. Wouldn’t you agree?
A fresh start
Easter, like spring, is synonymous with birth and renewal. It’s a reawakening that occurs in nature each year, begging us to also shake off the frost and take our chance to bloom, too.
Young at heart
How fitting that Easter often falls in April! More than perhaps any other month, April ushers in new life and helps you see the world in a new light.
Words to live by
Pablo Neruda always knew what he was talking about, and this quote feels especially astute. No matter what happens to us that might hurt us or dull our shine, each spring brings the opportunity to start fresh.
The power of God’s love
There is no greater sacrifice in human history than this — that God was willing to sacrifice his only child so that we might all be considered saved.
Rise up
Faith is a powerful thing. Some say it’s so strong it can help you take flight. And it isn’t hard to believe it when you know He’ll be lifting you up.
He is not here
Say it with us: He is not here. Those words should give you goosebumps on Easter, and every time you read them. The Lord has risen; hallelujah!
A welcome change
While there are essentially many ways to say this same thing, they all seem to focus more on reminding us that we must take the bad with the good — think “What goes up must come down” and “you can’t get to the peaks without a few valleys.” We’re partial to this beautiful reminder that no matter how tough things get, better times are just around the corner.
Say hello to growth
When you’ve figured this secret to life out, life will get immeasurably more enjoyable. What better time to start embracing your new outlook than Easter?
Weather the storm
Yes, there will be storms. But spring is right on the horizon, and it brings hope and light. So, just think of it this way — without those storms, spring wouldn’t seem nearly so sweet.