“Carpe diem” is more than just a slogan on a tea bag — it’s a mantra we could all stand to adopt. You only spend one life on this spinning globe, so the time is now to try the things that you’ve been putting on that bucket list!
The new year usually brings resolutions of things not to do, but this is a list of things you can do.
These new challenges will help you break out of your shell, get out of a rut, explore new avenues and improve your quality of life.
Want more? See other features on gratitude and thankfulness here!
Give RV life a spin
If you’re a city dweller who has dreams of being on the open plains Laura Ingalls-style, then a road trip is in your future.
Renting an RV for a week is a big challenge if your idea of camping is usually a hotel without hairdryers and Wi-Fi. Perhaps, though, that’s why the new trend of renting tricked-out RVs is at an all-time high, according to the Washington Post.
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Maybe you live in a landlocked state and dream of being on the beach. Or you’d like to pursue Bigfoot sightings in the redwood forest. This land was made for you to explore, so grab a friend, stock up on car snacks and go.

Take that international trip you’ve been dreaming of
If you’d prefer to use up your air miles, you can travel international-style. Punch some pages in your passport and see how other countries do it. There is a lot out there and it is a great way to learn, meet new people and gain perspective.
Can’t find a travel buddy? Take a leap of faith and strike out on your own. Some of the best trips are solo expeditions.
The best part is that you can plan the trip to your specific tastes, literally. Travel + Leisure states that a growing number of people have started to plan their trips around food destinations. And some food tours will take you to places to taste delicacies and even learn how to cook them.

Be the boss
Do you dread working 9 to 5? Have you always dreamed about working for yourself or owning your own business? If you’ve hit the wall (and the glass ceiling) and are looking to make a change in your career, this might be the push you need.
According to Oumiworks, the first step is to be willing to get out of your comfort zone. In the beginning, you will be giving up a steady income for one that is a lot less stable.
A smart idea is to save a nest egg for the purpose of starting the business, or a slush fund to fall back on while you are launching.
Just remember: Whatever you need to invest into your dream, you will earn back — not only in cash but also in the reward that you love going to work every day (not to mention have the coolest boss ever).

Debut a new look
If you’ve always been known as a blonde but have often wondered what it would be like to be a redhead, then now is your chance. Or maybe you are always dressed in suits for work but would really kill to take on a moto jacket. So, switch up your look!
If you are blue with the state of your ‘do and want to get ahead of the game, check out Elle‘s trend predictions for 2019. Charcoal and smoky pink hues will color the coifs of the bold. Blunt bobs and beehives will also be en vogue.
If you are having trouble with sartorial inspiration, there are tons of Instagram fashion bloggers or expert fashion stylists who can help you rehaul your wardrobe.
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Have commitment issues? Try a rental site like Rent the Runway, which allows you to “borrow” an outfit for an event or week. You can also look into curated subscription services, like Stitch Fix or Rachel Zoe’s Box of Style.
Perhaps you have lots of clothes but you need to weed and curate. It’s time to go shopping in your closet, and it’s easier with an app like Finery created by Brooklyn Decker.

Get cultured
Sure, bingeing Netflix is nice downtime, but you can exercise your creative muscles and your brain in other ways.
Perhaps you can go back to an old hobby that you let fall through the cracks over time, like learning to play the piano. In fact, The Guardian cites evidence that learning an instrument can actually help your brain by boosting your memory and learning power.
More of an artist than a musician? Take a tour at a local art museum with a docent and learn all about an art period that you may have missed out on.
Not only will it bring more color into your life, but it’s also knowledge that you can show off at important dinners.

Run for your life
Has running a marathon or 5K been on your list of things to do? Well, dust those sneakers off and get on the road. Men’s Journal points out that a Brigham Young University study shows that running can lower your stress levels, aside from just being great for getting in shape.
If you need to pace yourself so you can build endurance, there are apps like Aaptiv designed to train you every day that won’t break the bank (less than $10 a month).
Charity Miles is an app that tracks the miles you run or walk and lets you accrue money for the charity of your choice. That way you know you won’t quit — and you also know your hard work will be helping others.
Looking for other ways to get in shape that don’t include pounding the pavement? Every week there is a new workout craze, from lifting in CrossFit, to hip-shaking rumba, to aerial classes where you swing from silks.
A membership like ClassPass is a little more pricey, but it allows you to try all of these and more — like Pilates, tennis, paddle boarding, boxing, spin classes, and the list goes on. With all of these options to try, there should be no days off.

Calling all daredevils! Maybe you may need more excitement in your life. According to Dr. Weil, studies show that adrenaline flooding your brain can mimic dopamine, which hits your pleasure sensors. So while others are just plain terrified, adrenaline junkies transcend to a more blissful state.
Sound like you? Then it’s time to try those spellbinding stunts or “experiences” that your friends think you are nuts for even considering.
Skydiving, whether in a tube or the open sky, is literally taking a leap of faith. If that is going a bit too far, zip line tours keep you tethered but let you feel the rush of the trees beneath your feet.
Hot air balloons can take you higher up where you belong, and jetpacks will let you walk on water. Or perhaps you literally want to go swimming with the sharks.
Whichever way you get your fight-or-flight adrenaline fix, make sure you make every moment count.