Have you ever considered stacking your enchiladas instead of rolling them? We like it for many reasons. For one, you can stack as much filling and cheese on top of your tortillas as you wish—whereas, if you roll them, only so much filling will fit inside. Secondly, by stacking the enchiladas, they hold together nicely when scooping and serving. Almost like lasagna. Whereas with rolled enchiladas, it can be hard to spoon them up. And lastly, they are much more presentable when stacked.
So this recipe for Roasted Hatch Chile and Corn Stacked Enchiladas uses hatch chiles, which are a type of chile pepper grown in New Mexico. They resemble Anaheim chiles in size and shape, and are more mild than jalapeños. If you can’t find hatch chiles, feel free to use any type of pepper, like poblano or Anaheim peppers.
So the filling in this flavorful enchilada dish is corn and cheese smothered in a sauce of onions, garlic, diced tomatoes, fresh cilantro, vegetable stock, roasted hatch chiles, and a blend of piquant Mexican spices.
After assembling your stacked enchiladas, broil them to melty perfection, and top with a fried egg. This is a delicious made-from-scratch Mexican dinner idea!
Get the recipe for Roasted Hatch Chile and Corn Stacked Enchiladas over at AZ Grab A Plate!