We know the holidays aren’t always the “most wonderful time of the year.” In fact, people normally joke at how they’re going to survive the holidays rather than discuss how much they’re looking forward to them.
Instead of dreading the holidays this year, here are 10 easy ways to create an “Attitude of Gratitude” so you can enjoy them and pass along your positive outlook on others.
Keep a positive mindset. Your attitude dictates how you view the world—and the holidays. Keep your mindset positive by focusing on things to enjoy over the holidays—even if it’s just all the delicious food you’re able to consume.
Start a gratitude journal. A gratitude journal is where you write down things that you’re thankful for each day. There’s no better time than now to start your first one.
Do something for yourself every day. A cup of coffee in a quiet house first thing in the morning, a long bubble bath, a walk around your neighborhood, a phone call to a friend. Each day, pick one thing to do just for you that will relax you and help put you in a positive mindset.
Do something for someone else every day. It doesn’t haven’t to be huge, but it does have to be something.Pay for the person behind you in the Starbucks drive-thru; hold the door for someone; write a thank-you note; volunteer your time at a thrift store, nursing home, or animal shelter.
Smile. It’s hard to be grouchy when you’re smiling. Even if you don’t feel like it, smile at everyone you encounter. Eventually, that happiness will start to live inside you.
Double your tip. Next time you’re at a restaurant, leave double the tip than you normally would. Not only will this make your server’s day, it will also cheer you up. Don’t believe it? Try it.
Show appreciation to your family. How often do you tell your spouse or your kids that you are thankful for them? Unfortunately, we oftentimes forget to show gratitude to those we love the most. This holiday season, hug your family a little bit tighter and let them know you care.
Participate in a food or toy drive. Grocery stores, employers, churches, and other organizations typically participate in food or toy drives during the holiday season. Instead of walking by, participate! Get your kids involved by letting them pick out the food or toys and then taking it to the donation box together.
Feed the homeless. If you are in need of a reality check, volunteer for an afternoon at a homeless shelter or food kitchen. All of a sudden, you will be overwhelmed with an attitude of gratitude.
Slow down. Finally, we challenge you to slow down this holiday season and actually allow yourself time to appreciate all of your blessings. Shop online to avoid the crowds, wake up early to watch the sunrise, and put down that phone. By actually taking the time to appreciate your surroundings, you will naturally cultivate an attitude of gratitude all year long.
What is one thing you’re thankful for right now?